Manga shingeki no kyojin 55
Manga shingeki no kyojin 55

manga shingeki no kyojin 55

Like the Beastmaster telling Eren (who he recognized) that both of them were victims of Grisha Jaeger – that they’d been “brainwashed”. The fact remains that the whole reason this exchange is taking place is still very much an unresolved factor, and we do get a few additional tidbits related to that. Given how badly I wanted to see Erwin die (and Armin live too, of course, though like I said I just didn’t sweat that too much) it’s hard to say whether this episode was really good or I was just tense while watching it. Sure he’s dead – but will he stay dead? Is that too much to ask for? And TBH I’m still scared about that a little – I’m going to see that irritating face in every shadow on AoT, at least for a while. No, what scared me a little was the prospect of an Isayama asspull that would have both of them survive, somehow. Not by letting Armin die – somehow, I just never felt like that was a realistic possibility. And that disbelief scares me a little, because I was worried right up until the end that Isayama would find a way to make Erwin linger like a fart in an elevator. I almost can’t believe it – I no longer have to have WHY WON’T YOU DIE in my blogging vocabulary (for this show, anyway). And I’m willing to overlook a lot of stick when that’s the carrot. Praise be to Jeebus, our long nightmare is finally over. It may not have played out exactly the way I would have liked, and it may have been rather clumsy and overwrought in the final moment, but the bottom line is this: Erwin is dead. I dont think Erwin meant to abuse Erens power on people,if he proves Historia is a legal successor there wont be rioting anyway.Say what you will, I haven’t looked forward to an ep of Shingeki no Kyoujin so much in… ever? So that has to count for something, I guess. Man theres only 1 question in my mind right now though: when the happy hell is Annie gonna wake up? I feel THIS is what awaits him in the Basement.Ĭool, now we also know that the Walls ARE man-made through the use of civilians becoming Colossal Titans and to do such, they used someone with a much more powerful Coordinate ability.Ī really excellent chapter except for Armin's weird face. Not only that but Eren's ability didnt affect normal humans last time so he doesnt just need to learn to use the ability, but also increase its power. This is all well and good but Eren doesnt even remember using the ability IIRC so he'll need training of some sort, probably in a real situation where the lives of his friends are immediately threatened. So Erwin wants to dethrone this false King and make Historia the Queen and he'll use Eren's Coordinate ability to settle the masses back into peace. now this Rebellion just grew 10 000 000 x times Bigger. though by looks it, things that they do will as expected change them, even Hange starts to pity them.but looks like, make their comrades look like traitors by making them read things while at the same time keep knife on the Throat and they talk. You were just tried keep People so weak that they could not fight against YOU!!!! Rest of the Military Police can now in my opinion to be wiped competently Out, excluding the new members that joined with Annie.(not that corrupted yet) That is just corrupted and monsters talking. So Means and Purpose Justifies the means how you get job done eh? MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE!!!? Mikasa's comment was fitting and pretty funny. O.O Arwin.I agree with Jean.He was competently Ruined after that pervert mocks.I didn't think he had that in him. I hope they COMPETENTLY CRUSH the Government This kind of thing truly question who you really and what are you capable of. And I am not surprised just what are Governments reason, Greed and wants to Protect their F A T.P I G.A S S E S and Bodies. Damn Pixis make very good Points, how they Slay the King without birthing New Rebellion? Wait what Revolution without Slaying and still getting King out of the Office? This I have to hear.Īh, not yet possible, too little information.But looks like Erwin has some personal Vedetta against government eh.

Manga shingeki no kyojin 55